Tag Archives: web analysis

Targeted Web Traffic Techniques – That Can Get You Banned

If the title ever gives you a hint of possibly being able to escape the consequences of unethical targeted web traffic techniques, make that: “that will get you banned”. Black Hat SEO is too risky of a process (and, well, I just clearly said unethical) to getting targeted traffic to your site. But there may be some amateurs out there whose knowledge of search engine optimization is still unripe and may unknowingly commit these mistakes. So here are some of the techniques that can get you banned […]

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Target Traffic Through SEO

Are you into an online business venture? Have you done your research on the ways to maximize the full potentials of your enterprise? How are you going to market your products or services? When pursuing an endeavor such as this, you have one goal to reach. That is, targeted traffic. If you will look around, you will see that there are numerous methods that you may use in order to get the traffic that you need for your website. Some of these methods will require you to […]

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Superb Content: The Secret To Achieving Guaranteed Targeted Web Site Traffic

When asked where and how to get targeted traffic, there is usually a variety of options available to a website owner. There are many companies offering guaranteed targeted web site traffic with various pricing options to cater to different requirements. The widespread knowledge on how to deal with internet processes also offers almost unlimited resources for getting quality traffic. But apart from these options, the key to a continuous stream of targeted traffic actually lies with a superb content. After all, a truly compelling web site message […]

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Should You Buy Targeted Web Traffic?

Getting web site traffic can be very frustrating especially when you feel that you have already exhausted all your resources. When all else fail, there simply is nothing else that can be done except to wait and hope for circumstances to change. Or you can buy targeted web traffic to see if others can make things work for you. Buying targeted traffic may be the right decision to initially make a website click especially if it has a compelling, relevant content and only needs exposure to have […]

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Traffic No-Nos: Spamming

If you have a website, it stands to reason that you will want people to know about it. There is no way they can visit a site they don’t know about, so it is important to promote your site well. The problem for many people is one of practicality – how do you let people know about your website, and do so without spending too much money? For many, the obvious answer is to use free sites with user-generated content such as online forums. If you are […]

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Traffic No-Nos: Black Hat SEO

A fair number of people would stop at nothing to make their website popular, up to and including visiting numerous internet cafes and visiting the site from as many different IP addresses as possible. While that is an extreme example – it does happen, though – there are other things that people will do under the impression that it will get their Google hits skyrocketing – only to find out in the fullness of time that this really is not the case. So what are these traffic […]

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Controlling The Traffic

A good build-up of traffic is important for so many reasons if you are a website owner. You can have all of the best content in the world, but if you can’t get people to see it then there will be limited reason to bother. You can spend a lot of money getting a website that looks good, but you may be throwing money away if you don’t have anyone visiting the site. It is important to get good traffic to your website, if you want to […]

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The Myth Of Link Banking

Early on in their internet promotional career, a lot of people hear of the importance of link bank sites for ensuring that your site is given the exposure it needs. Many people religiously follow this advice thinking that that kind of exposure will make their site a well-visited place, but the truth is that this just isn’t the case. If you want to make sure your site is visited, then link banks are about as much use as writing your site’s URL on a random wall. Link […]

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