Author Archives: Jeff

Attracting Affiliates Through Targeted Website Traffic

Owning an impressive website will give you an almost endless list of opportunities to succeed in the digital world. Especially if you have targeted website traffic, you may find that you can actually do more than just marketing and selling your own business to secure a steady flow of profit. Expect affiliates to be going after you and prepare to handle several connections as marketers will do their best to showcase their own business via your pages (just be careful to affiliate with a direct competitor). So […]

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Showing Your Expertise Can Pay Off

The word “expert” has been overused through time, in some cases being used to describe anyone who has ever had even a passing interest in a subject. For those who pay attention to such things, there is however a real benefit to being considered an expert, and to having the ear of a true expert when looking for advice. When looking to get traffic to your website, showing expertise in your chosen area is certainly no bad thing. Let’s assume for the sake of example that your […]

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Submitting Your Site To Search Engines

People have acclimatized with surprising speed to the Internet, with a take-up and a learning process that seems to have taken everything that we learned from the creation of the telephone exchange and pressed fast-forward. While the first telephone directory appeared many years after telephones were invented, the Internet’s own directory – search engines – have become a very firm friend to almost all of us, most of whom use one every day. Indeed, the verb “to Google” has become a commonly used term, to the extent […]

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Getting The Basics Right

Traffic is king in the world of the Internet. You can have excellent content and technically good websites which never do much business because people never actually come to read them. If no-one is bothering to read the sites, then they might as well not exist. And because people have to actually consciously visit the website, it is not enough for it to be good – it needs also to be prominent. How you make the website prominent is up to you, but there are time-honored ways […]

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Know Your SEO

SEO is a real buzzword in the present day world of the internet. People who run blogs and other websites are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of search engine optimization, and are beginning to use it more and more to attract visitors to their site. The many benefits of SEO are known to a lot of people, and a quick Google for the term will return millions of results. For anyone looking to get more visitors to their site, SEO is one of those things that […]

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Widgets – What Are They?

Blogging has become a massively popular way of getting a message out to the people who may be interested in reading it. As a result, it has taken off into the mainstream in the last few years, and people who would have got all their information from newspapers and magazines five or ten years ago now add to this by reading blogs regularly. This has had the knock-on effect of making blogging profitable for people and companies who are internet experts. On many blogs these days, you […]

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Do You Have A Newsletter I Could Subscribe To?

One of the most important aspects of attracting people to try out, and continue using, any product is to give them a constant reminder that it exists and it is enjoyable. If you have a website to attract people to, then this can provide a challenge. People have to take the decision to visit a website, and this makes for a tough conundrum. There are certain things that you can keep in people’s affections simply by putting it in front of them – but whether it is […]

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Incentivizing Traffic Every Way You Can

Many human instincts hinge on one phrase that we have probably all used and have certainly all heard – “What’s in it for me?”. This question is a powerful convincer. So many people are reluctant to do something unless they know it will be somehow rewarded. Indeed, most business training in this day and age for sales or customer service professionals is built around convincing the customer that there is a reason for them to do something – that they will benefit directly from doing it. One […]

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Traffic No-Nos: Spamming

If you have a website, it stands to reason that you will want people to know about it. There is no way they can visit a site they don’t know about, so it is important to promote your site well. The problem for many people is one of practicality – how do you let people know about your website, and do so without spending too much money? For many, the obvious answer is to use free sites with user-generated content such as online forums. If you are […]

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Traffic No-Nos: Black Hat SEO

A fair number of people would stop at nothing to make their website popular, up to and including visiting numerous internet cafes and visiting the site from as many different IP addresses as possible. While that is an extreme example – it does happen, though – there are other things that people will do under the impression that it will get their Google hits skyrocketing – only to find out in the fullness of time that this really is not the case. So what are these traffic […]

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